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Currently reading

Lucky Charm
Marie Astor
Last Kiss Goodnight
Gena Showalter
La Práctica del Servicio Comunitario en Educación Especial: Una aproximación teórica desde el Sentir y Hacer de sus actores. (Spanish Edition)
Yarinés Perdomo
A Dash of Style: The Art and Mastery of Punctuation
Noah Lukeman
Elementary Children's Literature: The Basics for Teachers and Parents (2nd Edition)
Nancy A. Anderson

Cronica de una muerte anunciada (Spanish Edition)

Crónica de una muerte anunciada - Gabriel Garcí­a Márquez I read this novel when i was in high school and it was one of the first times i was given an interesting book. I love the narrative, and although the story itself is tragic the world and the descriptions are amazing. One of those books that once i started reading couldn't put down until it was done; something that rarely occurred when it came to assigned books in school; since they where usually beyond snooze-fest. This one takes the crown.